Amiga Active Issue 4
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On sale date: Thursday, December 30th 1999

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  • Show Reports - Home Electronics World 99 and Comdex Fall

  • Reviews... Pagestream 4 - well, more of a hands-on preview of Softlogik's page layout program. Digital Almanac - the latest version of the stargazer's companion on CD knows the positions of 16 million stars, but how brightly does it shine? GoldEd Studio 6 - When is a program that processes words not a word processor? Amiga Developer CD v2.1 - RKRMs and NDUKs? The Amiga's inner workings revealed by Haage & Partner.

  • Features... Digital Convergence - The final part of our "Back for the Future" series examines the implications of a plethora of computing devices all working in harmony.

  • Games previewed... Heretic 2 gets a thorough preview alongside some never-before-seen screenshots. In doubt over upgrading to PowerPC and a graphics card? Not for long... Simon The Sorceror 2 - another sequel, this time a rather belated but greatly anticipated conversion of Adventuresoft's second Simon incarnation. Operation Counterstrike - development has been continuing, as evidenced by some in-development shots from the game. Payback - Apex Designs look to give Grand Theft Auto a run for its money. We would make a joke about burnt rubber, but you might take it the wrong way. Erk!

  • Masterclasses... OS 3.5 - It's more than just a bunch of pretty icons and boing-ball sound samples. In this extensive Masterclass, we cover everything from upgrading your ROMs safely to controlling your new OS with ARexx. Samba - Networking in-depth, but without the sandals and trees. Teach your Amiga to Samba with the rest, step by step.

  • Online... Still Searching - How to make the web work for you, rather than against you. Cool Sites and News Bytes - The latest news and coolest views on the internet.

  • All of the above, PLUS... The monthly mix of all the best Active Shareware, The pinch of Top Gear, A dash of nostalgia in Retroactive, The cow-shaped company On Trial, Some personal Rants & Raves, Your letters, our replies in InterActive and our answers to your problems courtesy of the Guru.

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